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Brand photography for your personal brand or small business should be unique and compatible with your overall brand identity.  Go bold.  Discover your brand identity, embrace it, and leave a mark.  There is no way to mess it up unless you go for vanilla, predictable, or what every other of your competitors in town are showing!    If EVERY SINGLE session coming out of a brand photographer looks exactly the same, YOU ARE NOT GETTING A CUSTOMIZED SESSION!   Your clients will have seen that type of work a million times before and you will not catch their eye.   That is EXACTLY the opposite of what you are trying to achieve by paying for a branding session.   Gah, wasted money alert!   

Not in INK's brand sessions...  we go memorable!  Whether you are soft, gentle pastels, outdoorsy, earthy and organic,  or edgy, modern and dark... We push the limits of your brand identity to make it whack your audience over the head (remember they are bombarded with images each day, so subtle just won't come across).

The below sample gallery of my brand work covers brands for medical professionals, tattoo artists,  personal trainers, lifestyle bloggers, models,  influencers, clothing brands, and therapists!  It ranges from peaceful and quiet, to determined and strong, somber to emotive, traditional to edgy.  Studio, indoor, outdoor, natural light, flash, all ages, all genders, all species, all subjects... 

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